Friday, December 14, 2007


look at me I'm globbing (blogs are so 2006).

So Tracy and I are about to go on a completely non-lesbian trip around the world and I'm going to see what it's like being unemployed for 5 months without sleeping on my parent's couch. This may be the first and last post ever on this site seeing as we decided on the name of this blog after a couple of beers and haven't had the benefit of sobriety to see if anyone else finds it funny at all. Which should be a good test of our rationale throughout the trip. We can see whether beer, wine or liquor creates a better blog.

We haven't quite left yet, seeing as it's still December, and while many of you may find this hard to believe, we're spending the evening drinking Coors light and watching a rerun of Scrubs.

We decided to start this blog in order to have a way for our friends (AND NOT FAMILY- hi, mom and minister father!) to keep up with what we're doing after we abandon Manhattan to do the unheard of and live out of backpacks for 2 1/2 months before moving to Richmond (and thank you, all of my friends who have never lived outside of New York, who think that moving to Virginia means that I'll have more teeth than anyone I glad to know that you know the south so well...if you knew anything at all you would know that excess of teeth is a sign of "snootiness" so I'll thank you to stop judging).

It's very likely now that I'll delete this entire post because even I can tell it's pretty lame, so I'm going to wander into the other room and let Tracy revise it to talk about how dumb I am.

Posted by- Katie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy and Katie:
Good luck and Godspeed. I am JB.
Just because....
My teeth are all there, but they are cracked up, which is why I am funny to hang with. I do spontaneous dumb things and think, "what a riot."
Courage & Honor,
-JB MacGregor
PS: My dad told me to never trust a Campbell.