Saturday, November 21, 2009

Seattle on Steroids...

Scene: Fade in…
Imagine gentle rain pattering away on your rooftop while you lay nestled in bed under the thick covers, perhaps there is a fire roaring and the wind softly blows against your window panes. When you wake, the morning air is fresh with dewy dampness and everything is emerald green. Now imagine if nothing about the situation was gentle at all but involved a violent, horrible, vicious pounding rain and thrashing wind that seemingly never ever ever ends.

They say there has not been flooding like this in Dumfries in 30 years, I feel so lucky to be here to experience this historic moment.

BBC News- “Heavy rains and strong winds lead to the river Nith overflowing onto the Whitesands in Dumfries.”

Also, why does every single doorknob in every single home or office or public house have to be shaped like this?

Every shirt and sweater I own happens to be designed essentially for getting hung up on this type of door knob, which has caused many a ripped pocket, bruised arm and barrage of profanities.

Okay sorry people, that is the finale of my diatribe. Do not get the wrong idea and think I am unhappy here; in fact it’s the opposite. If all I have to complain about is the absence of a little sun and an exceptionally annoying doorknob situation, then I say we are good.

On to the best news as of late…

Annette is home and well and everyone is so happy! We have been huddled up in the house in Dalton, reading, eating, watching movies, cooking, eating, trying on Annette’s old huge clothes and cooking, oh, and eating. Did I mention Annette lost 3 stone while in hospital? Well she did, and we are doing our best to remedy that. Rory holds her mouth gently open while I throw handfuls of food at her face.

Not much else is going on so I will leave you with some cheerier photos. I’ll be back in the states mid December, can’t wait to see everyone!

The first photo was taken by Callum the second by Jamie. Unbenounced to them, I submitted both photos for publication under thier names to the Scotsman Newspaper. Fingers crossed!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm not grey yet...

Scotland continues to be a self effacing advance towards normalcy. I try very hard not to piss any one person off on a regular basis. So I share my time between Callum's in Holywood, Annette & Rory's in Dalton and Fi's place on Calside Road in order to thwart any potential "we are sick of Tracy lets kick her the fuck out of Scotland" situations.

Fiona has a new job in Glasgow and does not want to sell or officially rent her place out just yet so she was gracious enough to let me have full reign of her house. Thanks Fi!

Annette is still in hospital where she has become the most popular in her ward and won the award for longest hospital stay ever. She continues to heal and we are very hopeful she will be home soon!

When we get bored at hospital I like to play "cover annie in everything then try to find her".

Iain and Jennifer sent Annette a cute Panda which she named 'Toe' so that when she loses her toe she will have him. Gahross. Here is little Toe sleeping in Annette's neighbor's arm sling.

Graham and El visit often and its always hysterically interesting. Last week they were here and Graham attempted a reserection of the air mattress, it was a valiant effort but proved too difficult for one man...

Annie and I got to visit with all of her friends and their millions of babies. Cute as ever, just as my friends children back home, but alas, always leads to the negation of question after question of when Annie and myself will find men and settle down with babies. We remain adament that we will live in a house somewhere when we are 60 with 13 cats. What?! That could be fun!

Jamie has been showing me some beautiful spots in Scotland, he took some of the pictures below, we don't have to mention which ones, but basically, all of them.

You’ll be very proud to hear I am now an official UK Citizen! How the hell they let me in I’ve no idea. The night before my official Passport & Identity Interview; Gayle, Jamie, Annie and Rory tested me on Scottish life with a barrage of historical questions. I now know the story of Robbie Burn’s life, the difference between the flag of Scotland and the ‘Historical’ flag of Scotland, I know where the first bank of Scotland was located, I know how to make haggis 3 different ways and I know how to act surly mean and angry. Too bad I didn’t learn my own UK cell phone # or my parent’s date of marriage cause I sure got those wrong on the test.

I’m now waiting for my National Insurance Interview where I will receive my official insurance # and go immediately to collect the dole. At least that’s what they tell me to do every time I go into the jobcentre, wow Scotland, way to help people find work. Jeez.

Whilst driving to and from hospital with Annie over the last two weeks she often commented on the pasty paleness of the townspeople of Dumfries. Why is everyone so grey and angry?, she would ask.

It has been raining for the past week straight and I can understand the grey and angry but I vow to overcome the pit of despair and keep my head held high (and maybe go to the tanning bed a few times).

Gayle was beside herself when she heard Annie and I would both be in town for the Masquerade Ball. Gayle has been helping plan the event to raise money for cystic fibrosis, for months and months. It was beautiful! All of Annie’s friends made appearances, some she hasn’t seen in quite some time. Everyone looked amazing in their ball gowns and masks and got quite drunk and generally a good time was had by all. Oh wait, expect me. If you notice the lack of Tracy in these pics it’s because Gayle forced me to work the door and the raffle and the auction, I didn’t even get drunk! Damn you indentured servant status!

(Gayle- if you are reading this PLEASE PLEASE don’t be upset, you know I had fun, I can have fun in a ditch with a bottle of vodka and my cell phone. And yes, I have done that).

Annie and Rory found it hysterical that I actually purchased a weave to wear for the ball. Unbeweavable!

Annie left yesterday and it was a sad affair for all. We had a lovely meal at Ahn’s Thai Restaurant the night before and it was just your average celebration, you know tom yum soup, many drinks and a plethora of moustaches.

Enjoy some pics of a night out in Dumfries:

And Phoebe has finally become my best friend, it only took me cuddling her for hours, letting her shed all over my clothes, letting her breathe smelly fish trash breath on me, and me buying her an eyor doll which she promptly chewed to shreds.