Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving on a Saturday

Well I tried very hard to have a Thanksgiving dinner here in Dumfries but no one had off work and I couldn't find a turkey anywhere. It's so weird that these people refuse to recognize and celebrate Thanksgiving. Its merely a harvest festival traditionally celebrated to give thanks to God for the harvest and express gratitude to others for our many blessings. Sounds transferable enough right?

I made a chicken and had it on Saturday night.

Of course, it wouldn't be a party at Back O The Wood without messing with Rory's hair. Annette recently cut it, which is a good thing being that he was looking very much like Gandolf from Lord of The Rings. So I gave him a proper comb-over.

Last week Geoff and WInnie brought Auntie Ethel to see Annette, it was a nice visit, alot of talk about hearing aids and walking sticks- woohoo hanging out with old people rocks!

Friday I met up with Gayle and my new roommate Kim at Green's for some drinks. I of course was the first to leave, my drinking stamina has been dwindling since I first arrived in September. I don't know if there was too much alcohol consumed in Ireland or I am just getting old. Rory says I'm getting old! Thanks alot!!

Kim posing as the Morton Salt Girl!

Stay tuned for Katie's post on Machu Pichu!

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