Friday, October 9, 2009

Scotland continued...

Annette is continuing her recovery, slowly but surely and we are finally just a bit relieved! She is still in hospital but more answers are coming and she looks and feels better which is what we hoped for, only if it wasn’t such a long process! She has been through so much and has a way to go, continue to keep her in your thoughts.

I would love to tell you all that I have been busy going to pubs and shopping and taking in all the lovely sights, but unfortunately hanging out in a hospital and burning the candle at every end came to an abrupt halt last week when my head, sinuses, and chest decided to turn on me. Auntie Ella has had a cold for weeks; Jamie Clarke and Jamie Dillon have both been ill and now Gayle is coming down with it! Yey for spreading sickness around the world!

A bottle of Benylin, a few gallons of water, and 2 days away from hospital has me feeling better so it’s on with the mission!

Dad arrived Thursday very jet lagged and in the tiniest car imaginable. He could hardly pull is giant legs out of the driver’s seat; it was like a clown car. I made him a trad Scottish breakfast and he promptly passed out. Rory and Dad chilled in Dalton that night while Callum and I took the night shift at hospital. Annette is still tired often but looks amazingly better.

While Dad (and soon Annie) will be staying at Back O’ The Wood, I’ve moved to Gayle and Jamie’s place, and I love my new parents. They left Thursday to visit her sister for the weekend. I had to promise I wouldn’t have any parties or leave the gas on or leave the door unlocked or go through their underwear drawers. (I did all of these things). Jeez, between them and mean old uncle Rory I’m in the right state of 16 years old. Sweet!

Yesterday Dad and I went to Carlisle, England to see Auntie Ethel who is an ever youthful 96 years old. She is so amazing! She knew who we were immediately and cried when we came in. We took her to lunch and she had a beer and the tiny woman ate like a horse. Many hilarious stories later and after much screaming (directly into her left ear by the way and she still barely could hear me) we bade her farewell and returned to Dumfries to see Annette in hospital.

Not much else is going on, enjoy the photos!

Callum and Jamie Dillon took me out 2 Saturday's ago. I had not eaten in a day and was apparently about to get that raging cold which led to me getting way too drunk to function. At 11.30pm I told the boys I should go home, 30 minutes later (because they didnt quite believe me based on past drinking experiences) I completely embarrassed the boys in the bar and the cab on the way home. Dumfries is apparently a very small town and everyone knows everyone. Woops, sorry guys. Blame the drunk American!

This is Annette's car that I have been driving, and everytime I'm at Back O' The Wood Jasper makes it known how much he misses his mum!

Before I moved all my stuff officially to Gayle and Jamie's place, Jasper wanted me to have one last look (and listen) while he crunched on a mouse outside my room. He left me only the gall blatter. Yummy, thanks Jasp.

Yet another animal in Scotland that completely hates me. Hanging out at Callum's so much has apparently given Phoebe here a severe inferiority complex. She officially hates me :(

Gayle was so sad to leave me for the weekend.

Gayle in her gansta pose, werd.

Dad and Ethel...

Ethel waving goodbye from the window of her adorable scottish nursing home. So cute!

Still taking pics of cows, love em!

This one remind you of anyone?

And now for some oldies but goodies... (annoying update- these pics are too small to get what I'm talking about but Jamie Clarke is on the case, sending me larger pdf's soon!)...

Kissing cousins! Sooo cute.

Annie is such a rockstar, yeah. You heard me.

Jamie Clarke and his wee knuckle. Hahahahaaa

I found this weird rock shaped like a finger in Gayle and Jamie's garden. Guess what else we thought it looked like. Jamie's nuckle anyone?

1 comment:

Cait and Lyd said...

Annie's rock star picture is how i feel on the inside.. all of the time.