Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back O' The Waugh

I’ve become quite the wee Scottish girl staying here at Back O The Wood!

They even have my beer! yey. (The beer is called Trashy Blonde by the way).

Sick Auntie is still in hospital and receiving some pretty ridiculous health care. The doctors remain baffled; we remain frustrated while the hospital staff maintains a constant state of confusion and disorganization. Yey NHS, you go! I'll have to discuss this with Obama over coffee when I return. We are hopeful though that the week ahead will prove to be better in terms of Annette’s health, comfort and sanity while they try to figure out what the hell is going on.

Cousin Iain visiting Auntie

Meanwhile I have been slaving away at the house, cooking and cleaning for my mean old Uncle. I was joking and telling people that he locks me in the shed at night until someone pointed out that may not be very hilarious in light of recent events in California. Woops, sorry.

I take very long walks nearly everyday which is contributing to my sanity a great deal. The scenery is amazing, the flowers gigantic, and the castles... castely. I also get to hang out with sheep and cows, the #1 and 2 animals on my list of smelliest beasts ever...

Hodom Castle- Dalton

Callum took this amazing pic!

Cleanest sheep in Scotland.

I helped this sheep get her head out of the fence simply by trying to pet her head, she freaked out and jammed her head out with such force that her protective husband sheep behind her started cuddling her. Aww. Also check out his massive set of balls! Wowzah!

Not many visitors at Back O' The Wood, being way out in the beautuful country side of Scotland! But the other night when Rory was at hospital and I was cleaning the door bell rang. A rudy faced farmer around eleventybillion years old came calling. I like to think, from past and continuing experiences here, I am able to identify and comprehend your average and even not so average Scottish dialect. All I heard from this cute little old red faced farmer in the 6 entire minutes we spoke was..."water pressure"..."30 minutes"...and "low". I thanked him and sent him on his merry way. It only occured to me an hour later that I should have stopped the washer from running as it was possibly and probably completely fucking up his entire irrigation system for his herd of highland cows (prounounced "heeeland coooohs"). Sorry Fred?

Honestly though I am getting the best treatment, with the use of Annette's car, 3 different places to stay and tons of friends and family pitching in to make it easy for me here, and especially easy for Annette, its been amazing. She has so many visitors it’s really great. Everyone should call her cell! She does get bored in there, who wouldn’t!

Graham and El have made trips every weekend to see their favorite pal Annette. Graham, the avid conversationalist, was able to brighten Annette by wearing his favorite shirt I got him in New Zealand. Even striking a stripper'esq pose for the camera. Rowr!


I’ve also had the opportunity to catch up with other (as I like to say, not so distant cousins)...cause they are really fun and I love them so why the distance connotation?? We've gone out on the piss (bar hoping for the yanks) and I attended my very first football (soccer) match! Thanks Gayle and Jamie for the ticket!

When I told Jamie Clark about my first hurling match in Ireland and how Johnnie was sayin I was his lucky charm since Clare won their first game in history, he got very excited and told me that if Queen of the South won I would never be allowed to leave the country. The game was amazing, the fans- hilarious, and the kids in front of us too funny for words. Unfortunately they lost...and Jamie locked me out of his and Gayle’s house but that’s neither here nor there, I had fun!

If the player in the next picture strikes you as a little down trodden this is due to the fact that he contributed greatly to doing absolutely fuck all in the game. Queens missed 6 shots all together and this genius was involved in most of those. Gayle and I discussed how he was a big lumbering dolt likening him to Frankenstein which is why I named him 'Franken-nine'. Get it? Yeah I know I'm hilarious.

Rangers scored- assholes!

Gayle and I are continuing our effort to get more pictures on the sweet awesome site!

Wednesday night at Greens with Callum's friends!

Gayle taking the picture said my grin was too cheesy...

How's this then ya bitch?

Cousins or brothers?

Gayle ponders why Jamie looks so completely psycho...

Callum's roomate Jamie Dillon and his life partner Phoebe.

Callum's yard, playing with Miss Phoebs!

Stay tuned, and everyone please keep Annette close to your hearts! We need her to come home asap!


Cait and Lyd said...

Hey! I actually have a friend in Scotland going to school at the University of St Andrews. I have no idea where and what you are doing, but if you're in the area I know that you two would have a good time together. May be too late of notice, but I'm just putting it out there! You've got my e-mail Holla. I'm enjoying the blog! be safe!

Katie said...

Bwah, Graham still has the shirt! Love it!